
Health challenges are an important reason why not all refugees coming to Norway complete the introduction programme, nor find paid work after the end of the programme. This can lead to increased inequality and social exclusion. Women seem to be particularly vulnerable to this.

In the project HealthIntro (HelseIntro), we will generate knowledge and expertise that can be used in development work in the municipalities and at NAV, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. The aim is to improve conditions for refugees with health challenges in the introduction programme, and to improve their chances of involvement in the Norwegian labour market and in society.

The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. UiT is the project manager. Harstad, Senja, and Sør-Varanger are participating municipalities. The project period is from July 2021 to December 2025.

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Top photo: Michael Erhardsson/
